I know she was way too cool for the rest of TNG's still-wobbly second season. She was so underused in "The Schizoid Man," and then never seen again—a terrible waste of a svelte, sexily cool, typically detached Vulcan, but female! I was so impressed when she first graced the screen—Whoa! Finally using Vulcans! What a well-done, TOS vibe!
The rest of the writers knew it, too; Ron Moore and the rest typically had Dr. Selar mentioned or paged a half-dozen more times; she was in a line cut from "All Good Things..." at the very end, and even got written into the New Frontier novels as a regular. Well, at least the amazing Suzie Plakson, under those ears, got to return with Klingon headbumps as K'Ehleyr and... oh wait. We know how that ended, too.
Well, now look what's come out of the closet: those eartips are on eBay through Sunday evening the 17th, the third item from Suzie's Trek years she's put out for fans. Again, with the Selar ears comes a signed letter from Suzie about her feelings about Selar, on-set and now. And what's more iconic from Star Trek than Vulcan ears?
Maybe you can't ever hope to bid for a pair of Leonard's Spock ears—from any timeline. Or even some of Tim's, or Jolene's, if they are even out there to be had. But what better Vulcan to grab a piece of than Suzie's Selar? You can believe these ears.
And no—no kickbacks are headed my way, thank you.
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