But this is the final day of our KIRKstarter for future Star Trek Continues episodes—and while, yes, we were blessed to make our goal and beyond with 2,900+ backers (!!), I've seen people really get emotional and insistent about being a part of this to help us—and get their name on the record and claim some perks to boot.
(UPDATE: Our $100,000 goal wound up with $126,028 courtesy 2,981 backers! Thanks to everyone of you for being a part.)
Your last chance ends at 6 pm ET/ 3 pm PT Nov. 6, 2013. This drive covers three episodes, and while it's always an option to make a future direct donation—why not jump in now, help hike the tally, get into the system and claim a spot? I should point out: our briefing room table is the biggest reward level. (And my set tour and phone call are among the many unclaimed cast items. Just sayin.')
All of the support from so many fans, just like all the love since premiere date back in Phoenix, has been rather amazing; the Kickstarter site's fan comments and suggestions alone carry their own vibe, worth a read.
Meanwhile, Episode 2 is a more guest-centric show and the regulars have a bit less to do, but I know I stepped up my game in some subtle ways as we all grow into this project and work with our talented and fun STC family. If you were a fan of "Pilgrim" you will love the surprises and color of this next, non-TOS-sequel episode:
I have a lot of STV videos backlogged, including a few from the set of STC, and some thoughts to share... But for now—take a quick late-day set visit with me and thanks again for helping run our Kickstarter tally up even higher: late adds were the secret reveal of our big guest star and the much-requested digital download of Episode 1, "Pilgrim of Eternity."
Thanks also to STC/Farragut set guy and crew mate Scott Grainger for handling the camera and letting me jump into this one!
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