Saturday, April 18, 2009

STV: Spirit of Trek III: Robert O'Reilly & Gowron's Clerics Crisis

Church-state relations among Klingons?

Yep, TNG's "Rightful Heir" and Robert "Gowron" O'Reilly can only mean one thing: It's already time for a another monthly chapter of "Spirit of Star Trek," the free live screen-n-talk series for those in or near the Los Angeles area.

Next up it's Sunday, April 26 from 7-9 p.m., co-hosted by makeup guru Michael Westmore and Curtis Webster, pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Encino. But the evening is anything but "churchy," as you might guess—from the big-screen viewing of a relevant episode to the funny, probing or even personal dialogue among hosts. guests and audience on the spirituality, morals and yes great backstage stories of the various Star Treks, viewed through the alien lens. Here's Bob's take on it in a nice chat...

Before "Rightful Heir" aired late in TNG in 1993, we'd only seen Klingon warriors and the occasional spy or envoy—but clerics? And revered empire founder Kahless as a messianic figure vowing to "return"? And secular Gowron's deal to allow that cloned yet incredible "return" while holding on to the seat of power after all—any lessons for us as we grapple with the "separation of church and state" today? Those and more are sure to be topics for the night—a chat like no other you've seen at a convention, or Congress or church for that matter. A brief reception follows.

The event is free, but donations are welcome; the church is at 4963 Balboa, just south of the 101. Always best to RSVP: Call Amber at 818-788-1147.

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