Monday, June 24, 2013

"Star Trek Continues" coming with me for a big-screen viewing back home at SoonerCon 22—this weekend!

It's red-dirt return time again for me!

Every time SoonerCon rolls around each June, I not only get to go back home for a visit with family and old friends, but meet a ton of new ones as well.

So here is ever-booming SCon next weekend, and the schedule is out: it's  another great lineup of guests and a program/panels list that's bulging at the seams at 100+ events. I'm in there as a special guest on a few of them—my own stuff, plus a couple of actual panels (see below).

But what's really new is a request for my usual Con of Wrath benefit meetup to add a special big-screen HD showing of "Pilgrim of Eternity", the debut of Star Trek Continues we premiered at Phoenix ComiCon that has gotten over 125,000 combined online views. I was honored to be a last-minute addition to play Dr. McCoy in this best-ever feel of a 60s episode with some surprise guests and cameos.

In fact, you can see "ST Continues" Friday night on the BIG screen at the Reed Conference Center/Sheraton, as SoonerCon is trying out the Reed and adjoining Sheraton, et al hotels in suburban Midwest City this year, just five minutes east of downtown OKC's Bricktown nightspots and only four blocks from Rose State College campus (and a former home of ours!).

And everyone who checks into our meetup deal Friday night gets a free limited-edition "Phoenix premiere" poster of "Pilgrim" (left) —plus a chance at a drawing for a cast-autographed version!

Only the Phoenix crowd of 3800, and a couple other cons where producer/Kirk Vic Mignogna has brought it since, have experienced the big-screen treatment.  So, fellow Okies and indie fans, look for us at 9-12 pm Friday night (leaving your Saturday night free). As usual when I'm at a live con, your donation for The Con of Wrath is just $20 (or more) for your screen credit and this private meetup with prize trivia, rare Trek video and recent doc clips shot in process, including George Takei. And here in OKC, you get the "Pilgrim" on big screen, too!

(If you want to see what all the STC hubbub is about first, check out STC at its webpage, like the Facebook and follow Twitter for updates on the next episode ... and even catch some of our rave reviews from the likes of Slate and Breitbart and Pearls of Geek, among others...)

But solo or group, here's the rest of my "organized" schedule for SCon:
FRI - 5PM-F  (group panel) "Out of Darkness: The Iterations and Resilience of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek"   
FRI - 9 PM-THEATER  - Our Meetup Benefit for Wrath of Con featuring Star Trek Continues on the bigscreen—plus all the rest of the goodies.

SAT-1PM-THEATER My "Between the Cracks" Trekland 2013 show: "JJVerse Reaction Edition" show   

SAT-2PM-F  (group)" Cinema So Far: 2013 in Fan Genre Films"

SUN-1PM-THEATER "What Do You Crave, Trek Peeps?" —This is a special one I requested— i just want to hear what, if any, Trek fen feel they are missing in their addiction.  Is it possible to know what you don't know?  Besides having new Roddenberry Universe back on the weekly small screen?
Also, this year I'm going to unleash on SoonerCon a stick of shirts, fliers, programs, buttopns, etc, from SooneCons and ThunderCons past ('80s and '90s) that should find good homes —and for a good cause: once again, the Infant Crisis Services of OKC.

Can't wait! And, this year, to catch up with some of the faces of folks I have not been able to get to know from the new fandom of my stomping grounds that have come along the past decade or so. I'll have a table, yes, but I won't be chained there—it's gonna be a minglin' year. Better follow SCon along on Facebook and Twitter, too.

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