Friday, June 8, 2012

Suffer for your fandom? Check out my guest post

We call it "Trekland, SUPPLEMENTAL" for a reason—that piece I do every few weeks over at our outpost at the "new"

Today I took a bummer event in our CON OF WRATH project, and turned it around into praise of past fan eras when the rock had to be pushed uphill. Go see for yourself. Just know that the title is SUPPOSED to be, indeed, "Suffer for your fandom?"

NOTE: In that post, the captions did not come through on the pics I submitted. So in case you were wondering what, why and when they are all about—check them out here:

From top (as seen on

 1974 local TV station protesters: outside KOCO-TV Ch. 5, Oklahoma City: 

1968 CalTech protestors at NBC-Burbank: Original TOS 3rd season "save" campaign:

1982 Houston Ultimate Fantasy "Con of Wrath" survivors: Shamrock Hilton's mass room: eviction:

2005 SAVE ENTERPRISE campaign rally badge, for protest outside Paramount main gate:

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