not only see a con that has tripled in size since I was there in 2012, but to see my Lake Charles buds again—from top dawgs Garrett and Stuart, and Rachael the best guest assistant ever (well, one of them anyway)... I only wished I'd gotten out to prowl around all three floors more often.
I must say also that it was a miracle that I was able to reign in my infamous sweet tooth in these post-LifeGoal days of Weightwatchers... with all the goodies on-site abounding from
Corina Joshlin at Cajun Cakes N Creations, and others ... and Rachael's mom's own catering ... But all that has decidedly led me to realize and codify my new theorem on #Southernfandom and its #concakes.
I mean, really: Apparently, no Southern convention happens without a cake, or two. I used to just know this, having grown up in Southwestern fandom, so it was a happy re-discovery for me. And these ain't no SoCal fandom cakes for show—these actually get eaten. With little to none left over to cram into someone's fridge and then spoil—as you'll see.
So yes, the weekend as seen in my own top snaps:
From the overdue quality time with ol' Shran/Weyoun/Brunt, et al, himself, Jeff Combs!...
(How did I not snap one with mon capitan Vic Mignogna and Bonesian heir Chuck Huber?)
To our hotel clerk Emily, the very professional yet uber-DS9 and TNG fan who greeted us with the most restrained squee ever—a welcome reminder of Trekland's vastness, when you think you're merely in the middle of middle-city Southerness...
To the local color signage—thank you, KD's Diner! (But how would you ENFORCE this? ) ....
And more local color signage, courtesy KD's … I'm hoping this is just another way of saying, "Please wait to be seated." (Okay… I'm not really hoping that.)
And yep, those Orion's Envy ladies and their glee to finally see The Green Girl and stock up on chotskis... (check back at TREKLAND soon for more with them)...
To the glorious thunderstorm monsoons I wish I could bottle up and take back to SoCal...
But, great kid—don't get cocky!
I'm told to guess what ship will turn up cakeified in 2016 on its 50th anniversary, hmm....
(Plus, this is proof positive that they really don't have shields in Star Wars...)
Thanks again, my Cajun buds! See you next time.
With cake.
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